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耶路撒冷 8天游 Jerusalem Package 8 day

耶路撒冷 8天游 Jerusalem Package 8 day

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2023 - 08天耶稣脚踪圣地游.

08 A journey to the Holy Land of Israel in Jerusalem.

晚上 21:40 点前,在吉隆坡国际机场。备妥登件,听候领队安排。欢喜快乐地以感恩的心搭上飞

Day 1
Depart from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (Dining on board)
Before 9 p.m., at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Prepare for boarding and wait for the tour leader's arrangement. Joyfully and thankfully boarded a plane to the ~ land of flowing (milk and honey) in the heart. Arrive at Queen Alia International Airport, Amman Jordan, the next morning.

安曼/尼波山/马达巴/加利利(餐食: 早,午,晚)
早上 05:45 天亮抵达安曼阿里雅王后国际机场;我们在机场的代表将协助办理通关,开车前往摩
西观看流奶与蜜的应许之地的尼波山。继续前往马达巴“拼花工艺之城” 。午餐之后,驾驶到约旦山谷的艾伦比桥过约旦河,继续前往世界最古老的圣经城市,耶利哥城。观看耶利哥墙及诱惑   山,入住酒店休息。晚餐及住宿在加利利.

Day 2
Amman/Mount Nebo/Madaba/Galilee (Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Arrival at Queen Aliya International Airport, Amman; Our representative at the airport will assist with customs clearance.Drive to Mount Nebo, the promised land where Moses watches flowing milk and honey. Continue to Madaba "City of Parquet Crafts”. After lunch, drive to Allenby Bridge in the Jordan Valley to cross the Jordan River.Continue to Jericho, the oldest biblical city in the world. Visit the Jericho Wall and Mount of Temptation and stay at the hotel for a rest. Dinner and accommodation are in Galilee.

殖五饼二鱼的塔加。再前往八福山以纪念主耶稣在山上的讲道及喂饱了五千人。经隔一段小路的 距离到达被称为彼得的首要地位,根据圣经(约翰 21),这里是主耶稣复活后,遇见到祂的门徒们并告诉彼得说:“喂养我的小羊”。之后,
前往主耶稣开始事奉的迦百农。参观祂教训人的那 座会堂(马可福音  1:21),以及建在彼得家遗址的教堂。晚餐及住宿在加利利.

Day 3
Galilee (Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
We start our day by boat on the Sea of Galilee this morning, recalling how the Lord Jesus used to calm the wind and the sea here.Next, head to Tagaq, the place which five loaves and two fish occurred. Then go to the Mount of Beatitudes to commemorate the Sermon of the Lord Jesus and feed 5,000 people on the mountain. After a short distance to reach what is known as Peter's primacy, and according to the Bible (John 21), this is where the Lord Jesus, after his resurrection, met His disciples and told Peter, "Feed my lamb". Afterwards, head to Capernaum, where the Lord Jesus began his ministry. Visit the synagogue where He taught (Mark 1:21) and the church built on the site of Peter's house. In the afternoon, visit a diamond factory. Dinner and accommodation are in Galilee.

自全世界不同国家【因为耶稣】而来的游客奇特美景。这反映在现代建筑的装饰。接着参观在迦南的拜占庭式教堂。耶稣在这里的婚礼显现了他第一个神迹(约翰  2:1-11)。有些夫妻喜欢在这里非正式地更新他们的婚姻誓言。午餐之后,参观死海古卷被发现的昆兰。晚餐及住宿在耶路撒冷/伯利恒.

Day 4
Galilee/Jerusalem (Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Travel to Nazareth today, the village of Jesus' childhood, it has become a bustling city. Visiting the Hall of the Annunciation, we can see the strange beauty of tourists from different countries around the world [because of Jesus], this is reflected in the decoration of modern buildings.Then visit the Byzantine church in Canaan, where Jesus revealed His first miracle at the wedding (John 2:1-11).Some couples like to renew their marriage vows informally here.After lunch, visit Quinlan, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.Then enjoy a swim in the Dead Sea before heading back to Jerusalem.Dinner and accommodation are in Jerusalem/Bethlehem.

- 耶路撒冷/橄榄山/耶路撒冷(餐食:早,午,晚)
今早的游览,始于到橄榄山瞭望,把【耶路撒冷】的美景色——尽收眼底。接着参观耶稣教导主祷文的主祷文教堂(路加 11:1-4)。步行于‘圣枝主日之路’,参观主泣教堂。”Dominus Flevit”, 从拉丁语翻译为“上帝哭了”,教堂形状似一颗泪珠现在耶稣的眼泪。根据《路加福音》第 19
章 41 节,耶稣走向耶路撒冷的时候,震惊于第二圣殿的美丽,并预测其将来的毁灭和犹太人的离
史。接下来参观万国大教堂。教堂里内置了耶稣在他被捕的那个夜晚独自一人跪着祈祷的基石。 午餐后,前往伯利恒参观圣诞教堂,耶稣降生之穴所在地,它位于伯利恒的中心“马槽广场”。古迹在于第四世纪时依照康斯坦丁君王的命令而建造。继续前往参观天使响牧羊人报佳音的牧  坊。晚餐及住宿在耶路撒冷/伯利恒.

Day 5
Jerusalem / Mount of Olives / Jerusalem(Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
This morning's tour begins with a look at the Mount of Olives, with a panoramic view of [Jerusalem]. Then visit the Church of the Lord's Prayer where Jesus taught the Lord's Prayer (Luke 11:1-4). Walk on the 'Path of the Holy Branch' and visit the Church of the Lord Weeping. "Dominus Flevit”, Translated from Latin as "God wept," the church is shaped like a teardrop in the tears of Jesus. According to Luke chapter 19 verse 41, when Jesus walked to Jerusalem, he was shocked by the beauty of the Second Temple, and predicted its future destruction and the dispersion of the Jews, and weep in public. Continue to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus spent his last night, which is two thousand years old. Next visit the Cathedral of Nations. The cathedral has builta cornerstone of Jesus kneeling alone in prayer on the night of his arrest. After lunch, head to Bethlehem to visit the Church of the Nativity, the cave where Jesus was born, located in the centre of Bethlehem, "Manger Square".The monument was built in the 4th century on the orders of King Constantine. Continue to visit the herding workshop where the angel rings the shepherd. Dinner and accommodation are in Jerusalem/Bethlehem.

被发现以及在祭司的反抗下被医治好的瞎子。参观了西墙(又名哭墙)之后,前往锡安山参观大卫之墓,随着参观晚餐楼– 也是耶稣与他的十二个门徒的最后晚餐室;耶稣死后复活显现;五旬节,即基督教的圣灵降临日发生地点。午餐之后,沿着苦道– 维亚多勒罗沙(拉丁语: Via Dolorosa),有【受苦难的道路】的意思,是耶路撒冷旧城的街道,耶稣曾经背着十字架前往钉 十字架的路,前往圣墓教堂(Holy   Sepulchre)   又称“复活大堂”,參觀以色列猶太大屠殺紀念館( Holocaust Museum )晚餐及住宿在耶路撒冷/伯利恒。

Day 6
Jerusalem / Temple Mount / Wailing Wall / Jerusalem (Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
This morning, walk through the Jewish Quarter to the Old City of Jerusalem. The steps on the southern wall of the Temple Mount to recall that the Lord Jesus was brought to the temple, where he was exposed and healed the blind man under the resistance of the priests.After visiting the Western Wall (aka the Wailing Wall), head to Mount Zion to visit David's Tomb, along with a visit to the Supper House – also the Last Supper Room of Jesus and His twelve disciples; Jesus appeared after his death and resurrection; Pentecost, the Christian place of the advent of the Holy Spirit. After lunch, follow the Bitter Road – Via Dolorosa, which means "the road of suffering", is the street of the Old City of Jerusalem, where Jesus carried the cross to the path of crucifixion.Head to the Church of the Holy Sepulchrealso known as the "Hall of Resurrection". Dinner and accommodation are in Jerusalem/Bethlehem.

Day 7
Jerusalem/Amman (Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Head to the empty tomb of Jesus this morning. Private worship in garden tombs; It is a beautiful place to reflect the life of Christ; His resurrection and message. Head to Jericho for lunch, after which cross the Allenby Bridge back to Jordan. Drive to Amman for city sightseeing and shopping. After dinner, head to Amman Airport for your flight back to Kuala Lumpur.

Day 8
Arrive at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (Dining on board)
Arrive at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in the evening with fond memories.

* 吉隆坡/安曼/吉隆坡经济舱来回机票。
* 机场税+燃料费。
* 耶路撒冷酒店(3/4 星)
* 全包(三餐)及行程表列入门票。
* 每人每天一瓶 500ml 矿泉水。
* 讲英语的专业导游(+1 中文翻译)。
* 全程将有旅游经理陪同。

* Economy class round-trip tickets forKuala Lumpur/Amman, Jordan/Kuala Lumpur.
* Airport taxes + Fuel fees.
* Israel visa fees and Israel entry and exit taxes.
* Jerusalem Hotel (3 stars/3 nights), Galilee Hotel (3 stars/2 nights).
* All inclusive (3 meals) and the tickets in itinerary are included.
* One bottle of 500ml mineral water per person per day.
* English-speaking professional tour guide.
* Accompanied by tour manager at all times.

* 导游,当地司机,酒店服务员及旅游经理小费。
* Apply KDN permit & 以色列签证费,以色列出入境税。
* 不在行程里的国内来回机票和车票。
* 不在行程里的餐食。
* 个人开支。
* 全程旅游保险(08天)

* Domestic round-trip tickets that are not part of the itinerary.
* Meals that are not included in the itinerary.
* Tips for tour guides, local drivers, hotel attendants and tour managers.
* Worldwide Travel Insurance.
* Personal expenses.

付款和取消政策(以总配套价为准) 预订时支付订金RM1000 +
(Apply Permit @ Visa RM 1000 non refundable.)
确认航空公司机票时支付 50%
全额的余额出发前 60 天支付
出发前第 60 至第 31 天取消,取消收费为配套价的 30%
出发前第 30 至第 16 天取消,取消收费为配套价的 50%
出发前第 15 天取消,取消收费为配套价的 100%

Payment and cancellation policy (based on the total package price)
*A deposit of RM1000 is required at the time of booking
*30% payment must be made upon confirmation of airline ticket
*The full balance must be done 60 days prior to departure
*Cancellation between the 60th and 31st day before departure will be charged 30% of the package_price
*Cancellation from 30 to 16 days before departure will be charged 50% of the package price
*Cancellation up to 15 days before departure will be charged 100% of the package price

Package price: (Depart from Kuala Lumpur International Airport.)

MYR 11500 起……一位(两人一房)
Package Price: RM11 500. per person    (2/3 people per room)

出发日期 Departure Date: Oct, Nov, Dec 2023./ Jan, Feb 2024.
 *The set price listed currency is
RM4.50 = USD 1, if there is any change in the exchange rate, the _company reserves the right to modify the package and reschedule the tour itinerary before _departure; If an attraction may be temporarily closed, we will cancel the visit to the attraction or _arrange for visitors to visit another attraction, adjust the order of visit to the attraction and change _the accommodation to the same hotel.

Whatsapp for more details and booking:

Jeff Wang:

Esther Saw:

JE Travel Sdn Bhd.
KPK/LN : 5357. Co No 777296-X
15-2, Jalan Tun Abdul Razak Susur 1/1, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Email :